Welcome to BoatsAdvisor Hub&Events,

Driven by our mission to inform, empower, and inspire, we deliver seamless services and sound advice that give our clients the peace of mind to enjoy one of life’s greatest luxury experiences, yachting.
We are dedicated on bringing the unforgettable experience of yachting in Greece&the Meditteranean close to everyone!

Our day cruises allow you to explore the beaches and the islands of Greece. Our multi day sailing trips are a unique hop on, hop off experience where you may choose which islands you wish to visit and how many days you want to sail.  Group and solo travellers are all welcome, depending on group size you can book your own private yacht or book a berth or berths in a friendly, shared boat!
Enter and let your dreams set sail.



Feel free to contact us for any question/booking request on a.konstantaros@boatsadvisor.com

or +30 2241 400659, +30 6936327277